Hos Award Beauty School bruger vi ElevIntra til alle vores elever

ElevIntra er et lukket netværk for skolens elever. Eleverne har adgang til elevintranettet via skolens lokalnet og via internettet.

Elevernes intranet rummer tre hovedområder:
  • En informationsdel, der giver skolens elever adgang til mange informationer om skolen. Mange af de oplysninger, som lærerne vedligeholder i LærerIntra, bliver automatisk offentliggjort i tillempet form på elevintranettet. Det gælder fx oplysninger om dagens aktiviteter, skemaændringer, ugebreve, linksamlinger, kontaktoplysninger mm.
  • ElevIntra rummer endvidere et virtuelt læringsrum, der består af en række ’værksteder’. Der er bl.a. web-aviser, webside, anmelderbaser, spørgeskema, multiple-choise test og digitale udstillingsrum.
  • Derudover tilbyder ElevIntra moduler til kommunikation, evaluering og arkivering.


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Om Award Beauty School

Award Beauty School: Setting the Standard for Quality Education

Award Beauty School is an exceptional beauty school located in Hagerstown, Maryland. Established in 1990, Award Beauty School has been providing quality education and training to aspiring beauty professionals for over 25 years. With a focus on the latest trends and technologies in the beauty industry, Award Beauty School has the knowledge and resources needed to help students become top-notch stylists.

Award Beauty School offers a wide range of courses that can help students gain the skills they need to be successful in the beauty industry. From basic courses in hairstyling and cosmetology, to advanced courses in color application and hair extensions, Award Beauty School strives to provide up-to-date training for their students. All courses are taught by experienced instructors who have a deep understanding of the beauty industry, so students can be assured of receiving quality instruction from people who are well-versed in the field.

In addition to their courses, Award Beauty School also offers a variety of extracurricular activities that help students stay connected with the latest trends and technologies in the beauty industry. From hair shows to workshops and seminars, Award Beauty School provides its students with ample opportunities to expand their knowledge and stay ahead of the curve.

In addition to their commitment to quality education, Award Beauty School also prides itself on its commitment to excellence. All instructors are highly qualified and experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing their students with an education that meets their needs. All staff members are committed to providing a safe and comfortable learning environment for their students and strive to create a positive atmosphere where everyone can thrive.

At Award Beauty School, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality education. That’s why we strive to provide our students with a comprehensive curriculum that provides them with the skills they need to excel in the beauty industry. We are proud of our commitment to excellence and strive to ensure that our students receive the best possible education available.

If you’re looking for an exceptional beauty school that can provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to become a successful beauty professional, look no further than Award Beauty School! Take the first step towards a successful career in the beauty industry by enrolling at Award Beauty School today!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Award Beauty School
26 E Antietam St
MD 21740

Hvad er ForældreIntra?

Informations- og kommunikationssystem til skole-hjem-samarbejde.

Hvad er LærerIntra?

Basismodulet, hvor skolens medarbejdere både søger information og selv bidrager med information.

Om Award Beauty School

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