Om Dayton School of Medical Massage

Dayton School of Medical Massage is an outstanding school located at 4457 Far Hills Ave, Dayton, OH 45429, USA. It is comprised of highly trained and certified graduates, certified Medical Massage therapists, highly knowledgeable instructors, state of the art medical massage therapy equipment, and professional massage therapy staff. Dayton School of Medical Massage offers specialized massage therapy training and is committed to providing the highest quality continuing education. Whether you are a massage therapist or student, we provide the resources and education necessary to advance your career.

Dayton School of Medical Massage is more than just a school; it also provides a comfortable atmosphere for learning and socializing. Students are met with an inviting environment that provides the tools needed for success. The knowledgeable and friendly staff at Dayton School of Medical Massage strive to create a positive learning atmosphere that has help its students to reach their goals.

The school understands that healing can come from within and provides healing sessions utilizing numerous treatment modalities specifically designed for each individual client's needs. Modalities such as acupressure, aromatherapy, body mechanics, deep tissue massage, shiatsu, Swedish massage techniques are some of the tools provided for achieving optimal health.

Dayton School of Medical Massage provides several options for continuing education. Its seminars allow massage therapy professionals to stay up-to-date on new developments in their field and attain continuing education credits. The school's continuing education providers include well-known names such as: Chatham University, National Massage Therapy Institute, National Holistic Institute, and Western States Massage Conference.

The professional staff at Dayton School of Medical Massage takes great pride in providing the highest quality of professional massage therapy instruction available. Instructors are experienced professionals who share their expertise with their students by combining theory with hands-on instruction in the various massage therapy techniques that they teach. The knowledgeable instructors at Dayton School of Medical Massage follow the schools philosophy that each client is unique and has individual needs when it comes to achieving physical and mental health.

The staff at Dayton School of Medical Massage strives to give each student a comprehensive education that allows them to practice professionally upon graduation. They provide students with all the necessary tools to succeed both academically and professionally, as well as offer post-graduate assistance for those who wish to further their career or advance into research or management positions.

Dayton School of Medical Massage is dedicated to helping each student reach their goals in a supportive environment. So if you are looking for an excellent education in the medical massage field in a warm and inviting atmosphere then look no further than Dayton School of Medical Massage - where you can get the training you need to become a successful professional in the medical massage profession! Take the next step in your career and enroll now!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Dayton School of Medical Massage
4457 Far Hills Ave
OH 45429
Photo of Dayton School of Medical Massage
Nina Andreasen
a few seconds ago
Photo of Dayton School of Medical Massage
Nina Andreasen
a few seconds ago

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