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Om Gettysburg College

The Ruins of Magic

Resting atop a historic hill in Pennsylvania, war cries echo in the distance and the sense of wizardry can be felt in the air. It’s clear from the moment you step foot onto the premises of Gettysburg College, that it is filled with grandeur and history.

On the grounds of the college, one can almost relive history due to its close proximity to Gettysburg Battlefield. Gettysburg College has become a very important icon for the small community and has become a symbol of knowledge, community, and magic.

The college was founded in 1832 by Samuel Simon Schmucker as an educational institution for both men and women. It quickly grew to be one of the leading colleges in Pennsylvania and on July 1, 1863, just 57 days after it opened, the college closed its doors due to the Battle of Gettysburg spilling onto its grounds.

Although no actual combat took place on the grounds of Gettysburg College, the students and faculty became involved in the battle by offering medical assistance and supplies to both Union and Confederate soldiers during and after the battle. To this day, remains of these soldiers are buried on the grounds of Gettysburg College as a reminder of what they sacrificed and of course as a way to ensure they will never be forgotten.

Today, Gettysburg College is home to over 2000 students who come to benefit from its many academic offerings. With its rigorous curriculum, top notch academics, and outstanding faculty, Gettysburg College has come to be recognized as one of America’s best liberal arts schools. Here their students learn how to think critically and along with professors help support their community through various programs on campus like feeding the hungry or cleaning up their surroundings every Saturday morning.

The sense of magic still resonates within these walls as it did years ago when Samuel Simon Schmucker opened its doors for the first time. The college has evolved into a beautiful hub for learning, knowledge gathering, history grounding, and community service that cannot be rivaled by any other colleges in Pennsylvania today.

Visit this historic college today and learn understand why so many legendary leaders like Dwight D. Eisenhower have called these walls their home. Visit The Ruins of Magic - Gettysburg College to discover something new and amazing!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Gettysburg College
300 N Washington St
PA 17325

Hvad er ElevIntra?

Elevernes portal til information om undervisningen samt en række pædagogiske elementer såsom logbog, portfolio og arbejdsrum.

Hvad er LærerIntra?

Basismodulet, hvor skolens medarbejdere både søger information og selv bidrager med information.

Om Gettysburg College

Læs lidt mere om Gettysburg College.