Om Gordon Cooper Technology Center

Once upon a time there was a magical place, known as Gordon Cooper Technology Center. Located in the breathtaking city of Shawnee, Oklahoma, this center of learning was an oasis of knowledge and creativity.

The history of this unique school dates back to the late 1960s, when the United States government recognized the need for a post-secondary career-oriented technical school. By 1971, Gordon Cooper Technology Center had opened its doors to students from all over Oklahoma, offering classes in career and technical education, as well as general studies.

In the years since its founding, Gordon Cooper Technology Center has become an integral part of the educational landscape of Shawnee and the surrounding area. It offers a wide range of courses and programs that range from automotive services and construction technology to healthcare and business administration.

What sets Gordon Cooper Technology Center apart from other schools is its commitment to providing students with individualized attention. Whether they are high school students or adults looking to enhance their career prospects, instructors at Gordon Cooper take the time to ensure that each student receives the best possible outcome from their education.

This commitment to excellence is further demonstrated by the fact that Gordon Cooper Technology Center is accredited by the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association (NCA). This accreditation means that students can be assured that their education meets the highest standards of quality and relevance in preparing them for their future careers.

Over the years, Gordon Cooper Technology Center has become a leader in technical education in Oklahoma and beyond. Students who attend this school have the opportunity to develop marketable skills in an engaging and supportive environment, making it possible for them to achieve their educational goals.

At Gordon Cooper Technology Center, you can take control of your future and gain the skills you need for a successful career. If you're looking for an incredible educational experience that will help you reach your full potential, then look no further than Gordon Cooper Technology Center. Take the first step today and enroll in one of our many programs!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Gordon Cooper Technology Center
1 John C Bruton Dr
OK 74804
Photo of Gordon Cooper Technology Center
Nina Andreasen
a few seconds ago

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