ForældreIntra er et lukket område for forældre til elever på skolen

ForældreIntra er en udvidelse af Skoleporten, men i modsætning til de øvrige dele af Skoleporten er ForældreIntra et beskyttet område, hvor kun forældre til elever på skolen har adgang. For at komme ind i ForældreIntra skal brugeren indtaste brugernavn og adgangskode. Ud fra disse oplysninger får brugeren adgang til de relevante områder. Forældre har kun adgang til klassesider, der vedrører de klasser, hvori deres egne børn går. Adgang til ForældreIntra sker via et menupunkt i Skoleportens hovedmenu.

ForældreIntra er et redskab, skolen kan benytte i forbindelse med skolehjemsamarbejdet. Forældre og lærere med adgang til en klasses sider i ForældreIntra kan både hente information om klassen, læse meddelelser til klassen og deltage aktivt med billeder, opslag, beskeder, debatindlæg ol.

Ved første indlogning i ForældreIntra skal forælderen anvende deres brugernavn samt en automatisk genereret førstegangskode. Når førstegangskoden er godkendt ved første indlogning, bliver forældreren sendt videre til en side, hvor han eller hun skal vælge sig en personlig adgangskode, som skal anvendes ved fremtidige besøg i ForældreIntra. Personlige adgangskoder skal bestå af mindst 6 tegn.


Du kan hente nedenstående vejledning til ForældreIntra hvis du har behov for en hurtig introduktion til hvordan man kommer igang.

Om Hornsyld Skole

Hornsyld Skole has long been a beacon of excellence in a country where educational possibilities are few and far between. A thriving school full of inspirational teachers and bright, ambitious students, it has been providing quality education in the region for many years.

The heart of Hornsyld Skole is Nebsager Kirkevej 9, 8783 Hornsyld, a humble building that belies its significance on the local educational landscape. Many criticize the school's physical appearance, but Hornsyld Skole's leadership has always adhered to a simple philosophy: results come first, not looks. It is a mantra that has served the students and staff well, as the school continues to produce successful alumni year after year.

The teachers at Hornsyld Skole are passionate about instilling a lifelong love of learning in their students. In a culture where education is often seen as simply a means to an end, Hornsyld Skole strives to provide its pupils with the best possible chance to reach their potential and discover their niche in life. For that reason, the school encourages extra-curricular activities such as music, art, or theatre.

Aspiring entrepreneurs can find inspiration at Hornsyld Skole, too. The school offers business classes and encourages an entrepreneurial spirit in all its students. In addition to teaching basic skills such as developing a business plan or pitching an idea to investors, the teachers also discuss the moral implications of running a business.

A spirit of adventure has been instilled into the culture of Hornsyld Skole in more ways than one. Adventurers often use part of the grounds to hold camping trips and other outdoor activities — a great way for students to exploren their natural surroundings while bonding with their peers.

Hornsyld Skole may have humble beginnings, but it is growing into something more every day. With inspiring teachers and motivated students, this school is sure to continue making an impact on its community for years to come. If you're looking for an educational institution that puts results first and inspires adventure, then Hornsyld Skole may just be the place for you! Visit today and find out for yourself why so many students call this school their home away from home. Take the first step towards your future at Hornsyld Skole!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Hornsyld Skole
Nebsager Kirkevej 9
8783 Hornsyld

Hvad er ElevIntra?

Elevernes portal til information om undervisningen samt en række pædagogiske elementer såsom logbog, portfolio og arbejdsrum.

Hvad er LærerIntra?

Basismodulet, hvor skolens medarbejdere både søger information og selv bidrager med information.

Om Hornsyld Skole

Læs lidt mere om Hornsyld Skole.