Om Kids 'R' Kids of Las Vegas West

Kids ‘R’ Kids of Las Vegas West is an exceptional school located at 2830 S Cimarron Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89117, USA. This school provides a safe, secure, and nurturing atmosphere for children to learn and grow. The teachers and staff are highly knowledgeable and experienced, and they provide a comprehensive education program designed to develop the child’s academic skills and social-emotional growth.

The school has modern facilities equipped with the latest technology, such as interactive whiteboards and computers that help to enhance the learning experience. The curriculum is tailored towards providing an engaging and stimulating learning environment for each student. The classes are small and the teachers are able to give each student individual attention.

The staff works hard to ensure that each child feels comfortable and secure while attending the school. The teachers focus on providing a positive learning experience that encourages the child to be creative, take risks, and think outside of the box. The school also emphasizes character development, teaching values such as respect, honesty, and responsibility.

Kids ‘R’ Kids of Las Vegas West is an outstanding educational institution that provides a safe, supportive, and stimulating environment for children to learn and grow. The teachers and staff are dedicated to providing each student with a quality education that will help them reach their full potential.

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Kids 'R' Kids of Las Vegas West
2830 S Cimarron Rd
Las Vegas
NV 89117
Photo of Kids 'R' Kids of Las Vegas West
Nina Andreasen
a few seconds ago

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