Hos Wesleyan University bruger vi ElevIntra til alle vores elever

ElevIntra er et lukket netværk for skolens elever. Eleverne har adgang til elevintranettet via skolens lokalnet og via internettet.

Elevernes intranet rummer tre hovedområder:
  • En informationsdel, der giver skolens elever adgang til mange informationer om skolen. Mange af de oplysninger, som lærerne vedligeholder i LærerIntra, bliver automatisk offentliggjort i tillempet form på elevintranettet. Det gælder fx oplysninger om dagens aktiviteter, skemaændringer, ugebreve, linksamlinger, kontaktoplysninger mm.
  • ElevIntra rummer endvidere et virtuelt læringsrum, der består af en række ’værksteder’. Der er bl.a. web-aviser, webside, anmelderbaser, spørgeskema, multiple-choise test og digitale udstillingsrum.
  • Derudover tilbyder ElevIntra moduler til kommunikation, evaluering og arkivering.


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Om Wesleyan University

Ah, Wesleyan University! Home of magical academic opportunities and the birthplace of remarkable stories. It's the kind of place where dreams can come true, the kind of place that has enthralled the minds of students since it opened its doors back in 1831.

Nestled in Middletown, Connecticut, 44 Wyllys Avenue houses not only a network of beautiful brick buildings and monuments, but also a storied community of dreamers and innovators who will help shape the future.

Wesleyan has been innovating for centuries. With world-leading programs in the arts, sciences, language and humanities, it more than lives up to its poetic spirit which first opened for business almost two centuries ago.

The university's accolades are many – from the technology and sophistication of its laboratories to its distinguished faculty and renowned alumni. From Nobel Laureates to groundbreaking filmmakers, Wesleyan has seen its share of brilliant minds graduate or work through its lecture halls and hallowed halls.

The best part? They offer an amazing variety of resources to every student with no limitations in terms of financial status or ethnicity/nationality. The university remains committed to creating an open and equal educational experience with the most advanced technology available to help level the playing field for those who come from different backgrounds and economic situations.

Aside from their stringent academic offerings, Wesleyan is also home to unique extracurricular activities like their Equestrian Program and Muddy Waters Café - offering a range of specialty coffees, teas and delicious baked goods.

If you're looking for a life-changing education set amidst a student-centered, intellectually stimulating environment, look no further than Wesleyan University at 45 Wyllys Avenue in Middletown, Connecticut. Step into this destiny-filled stronghold and explore the many adventures that await you!

At Wesleyan University, anything's possible—all you have to do is seize the opportunity!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Wesleyan University
45 Wyllys Ave
CT 06459

Hvad er ForældreIntra?

Informations- og kommunikationssystem til skole-hjem-samarbejde.

Hvad er LærerIntra?

Basismodulet, hvor skolens medarbejdere både søger information og selv bidrager med information.

Om Wesleyan University

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