Om Colby-Sawyer College

Colby-Sawyer College, located in New London, New Hampshire, is an independent liberal arts college located on a classic New England campus. Founded in 1837 by Reverend Frederick Huntington and Dr. Isaac G. Colby, the College's mission is to prepare its students for lives of personal significance, meaningful work, and responsible citizenship.

The College offers a variety of undergraduate majors and concentrations in the Arts & Humanities, Business & Management, Education & Human Services, Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Social Sciences & Communications, and Nursing & Health Sciences. Majors are flexible and customizable as well as interdisciplinary with courses that combine two or more majors.

Colby-Sawyer's average class size is 19 individuals, creating an environment that makes it possible for professors to get to know their students as individuals and to provide them with a personalized learning experience. Students benefit from small classes with faculty who possess real-world experience.

The beautiful 207-acre campus is situated in a rural setting near the foothills of the White Mountains and the Merrimack River Valley, in close proximity to recreational activities such as skiing, biking and hiking trails, lake activities, and wildlife observation. Colby-Sawyer also provides a range of on-campus activities, including 20 varsity sports teams and club sports such as rowing and equestrian; student organizations; intramural sports; opportunities for leadership development; service learning; mentoring programs; and numerous lectures, films, art exhibits and performances each year.

Leaders for Change (LFC) describes the College’s emphasis on preparing students with skills that reach far beyond the classroom walls including communication, problem solving, critical thinking and ethical reasoning. This is accomplished through leadership programs that help students discover their personal leadership style while learning how to understand group dynamics and build teams. Colby-Sawyer's state-of-the- art Science Center provides students with access to research tools typically found in much larger research institutions.

Colby-Sawyer empowers its graduates not only as global citizens but also as agents of change who are prepared to make promising decisions on local, national and global scales. Through their commitment to academic excellence combined with authentic experiential learning opportunities in the classroom, extracurricular activities and internships, graduates of Colby-Sawyer are well-equipped to succeed in whatever field they choose after graduation.

Colby-Sawyer College values academic rigor and prepares its students for lives of meaningful work and responsible citizenship through strong academic programs centered on experiential learning opportunities. Through small classes and personalized attention from professors with real-world experience, students emerge ready to take on challenges in today's ever-changing global community. Come visit us today to find out more about all that Colby-Sawyer College can offer you!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Colby-Sawyer College
541 Main St
New London
NH 03257
Photo of Colby-Sawyer College
Nina Andreasen
a few seconds ago
Photo of Colby-Sawyer College
Nina Andreasen
a few seconds ago
Photo of Colby-Sawyer College
Nina Andreasen
a few seconds ago
Photo of Colby-Sawyer College
Nina Andreasen
a few seconds ago
Photo of Colby-Sawyer College
Nina Andreasen
a few seconds ago
Photo of Colby-Sawyer College
Nina Andreasen
a few seconds ago
Photo of Colby-Sawyer College
Nina Andreasen
a few seconds ago
Photo of Colby-Sawyer College
Nina Andreasen
a few seconds ago
Photo of Colby-Sawyer College
Nina Andreasen
a few seconds ago
Photo of Colby-Sawyer College
Nina Andreasen
a few seconds ago

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