ForældreIntra er et lukket område for forældre til elever på skolen

ForældreIntra er en udvidelse af Skoleporten, men i modsætning til de øvrige dele af Skoleporten er ForældreIntra et beskyttet område, hvor kun forældre til elever på skolen har adgang. For at komme ind i ForældreIntra skal brugeren indtaste brugernavn og adgangskode. Ud fra disse oplysninger får brugeren adgang til de relevante områder. Forældre har kun adgang til klassesider, der vedrører de klasser, hvori deres egne børn går. Adgang til ForældreIntra sker via et menupunkt i Skoleportens hovedmenu.

ForældreIntra er et redskab, skolen kan benytte i forbindelse med skolehjemsamarbejdet. Forældre og lærere med adgang til en klasses sider i ForældreIntra kan både hente information om klassen, læse meddelelser til klassen og deltage aktivt med billeder, opslag, beskeder, debatindlæg ol.

Ved første indlogning i ForældreIntra skal forælderen anvende deres brugernavn samt en automatisk genereret førstegangskode. Når førstegangskoden er godkendt ved første indlogning, bliver forældreren sendt videre til en side, hvor han eller hun skal vælge sig en personlig adgangskode, som skal anvendes ved fremtidige besøg i ForældreIntra. Personlige adgangskoder skal bestå af mindst 6 tegn.


Du kan hente nedenstående vejledning til ForældreIntra hvis du har behov for en hurtig introduktion til hvordan man kommer igang.

Om George Stone Technical College

Welcome to George Stone Technical College!

Nestled in the suburbs of Pensacola, Florida, George Stone Technical College is a premier educational institution and a source of inspiration and knowledge for its community. Founded in 1963, this college has been providing excellence in higher education for more than 50 years.

George Stone Technical College offers the highest quality of academic, technical and career-oriented programs designed to prepare its students for success in their chosen field. From automotive technology to business management, from cosmetology to industrial maintenance and welding, the college provides students with the skills and knowledge that will help them to succeed. They also offer a wide range of extracurricular activities and services such as job placement assistance, counseling and an on-campus library.

At George Stone Technical College, we strive to create an inclusive learning environment where students thrive and excel. We promote diversity and ensure that every student receives the support and guidance they need to succeed. Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to helping students reach their academic goals. We believe that learning should be a fun, engaging process and we strive to make sure our students have the tools they need to achieve their dreams.

The college’s state-of-the-art facilities provide our students with the best possible learning experience. Our classrooms are equipped with modern technology and our computer labs allow students to access the latest research tools. We also offer a variety of student clubs and organizations that give our students the opportunity to explore new interests and develop new skills.

At George Stone Technical College, we believe in the power of education and the potential of every student. We are committed to providing our students with an exceptional educational experience that will lead them to a successful future. We are proud to be part of this vibrant community and we invite you to come explore all that George Stone Technical College has to offer!

Experience the power of education today by visiting George Stone Technical College! Our doors are open for you to explore your educational potential.

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
George Stone Technical College
2400 Longleaf Dr
FL 32526

Hvad er ElevIntra?

Elevernes portal til information om undervisningen samt en række pædagogiske elementer såsom logbog, portfolio og arbejdsrum.

Hvad er LærerIntra?

Basismodulet, hvor skolens medarbejdere både søger information og selv bidrager med information.

Om George Stone Technical College

Læs lidt mere om George Stone Technical College.