LærerIntra er et program til håndtering af daglige rutiner i forbindelse med lærergerningen

LærerIntra er et lukket forum, hvor skolens personale og medarbejdere har adgang til vigtige oplysninger og værktøjer. I LærerIntra ligger informationerne kun ét sted – og det er nemt at styre, hvem der har adgang til hvad. Med andre ord fungerer LærerIntra som en slags intranet eller medarbejderportal.

LærerIntra er et forum for samarbejde og udvikling for skolens personale. Desuden er det en hjælp i planlægning og koordinering af undervisningen og de øvrige aktiviteter på skolen.

LærerIntra er netbaseret og derfor altid tilgængelig. LærerIntra hjælper med, at få alle aftaler om arrangementer, reservationer af lokaler og udstyr, vikarplaner, oplysninger om gældende praksis, materialeoversigter, kursustilmeldinger og meget mere samlet ét sted.

Hvad er ElevIntra?

Elevernes portal til information om undervisningen samt en række pædagogiske elementer såsom logbog, portfolio og arbejdsrum.

Hvad er ForældreIntra?

Informations- og kommunikationssystem til skole-hjem-samarbejde.

Om Hairmasters Institute of Cosmetology

or call to action

It was a typical morning at Hairmasters Institute of Cosmetology. The students were bustling around the classrooms, eager to learn the craft of cosmetology. But that day was different. A Harry Potter-esque mist had descended upon the school and its surroundings, and it was up to the brave students of Hairmasters Institute of Cosmetology to investigate the mystery and save their beloved school!

The students worked together to uncover the source of this magical mist. Through determination and teamwork, they discovered that the mist was emanating from a magical portal located in the courtyard of the school. The portal, it seemed, had been opened by a powerful wizard who had bequeathed an enchanted hairbrush to the school. This hairbrush had the power to grant wishes!

The students were delighted by this news and immediately began formulating wishes for themselves. But before they could make any wishes, they had to complete one important task: charge the hairbrush with their energy and intent. After much deliberation and discussion, they decided that charging the brush with their collective desire for a successful career in cosmetology was the best course of action.

With their newfound power, the students of Hairmasters Institute of Cosmetology set out on their mission to make a difference in their community. They focused on educating others about beauty standards and advocating for positive self image. The students offered free tutorials and held workshops at local salons. They also provided free haircuts and styling advice to those in need.

Their efforts paid off, and soon Hairmasters Institute of Cosmetology experienced unprecedented success. Word spread quickly throughout Bloomington, IL, and people from all over came to check out what this amazing school had to offer. Students who once thought they could never enroll in a cosmetology school now had access to a world-class education that could get them closer to their dreams.

At Hairmasters Institute of Cosmetology, we believe in making dreams come true. Our mission is to provide quality education and training, while inspiring our students to make a positive impact on their community through beauty, wellness and artistry. If you’d like to join us on our mission, we’d love to have you! Enroll now at 506 S Mc Clun St, Bloomington, IL 61701, USA!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Hairmasters Institute of Cosmetology
506 S Mc Clun St
IL 61701