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About Daytona State College

Daytona State College is located in the beautiful city of Daytona Beach, Florida and has been inspiring students for over six decades. This college is committed to providing high-quality educational opportunities to students from all walks of life. Daytona State College began as Daytona Junior College, a small two-year college offering associate degrees in a variety of professions and career-driven programs.

Today, Daytona State College continues to evolve and expand its academic programs. It has collaborated with local universities and colleges to offer baccalaureate degrees in various disciplines, such as Nursing, Criminal Justice, and Business Administration. That’s not all; Daytona State College also offers numerous associate degree programs that give the student the chance to continue their education at a four-year college or university.

Daytona State College is more than just academics; it also offers a variety of activities and organizations that allow students to get involved on campus. From the Student Government Association (SGA) to the student literary magazine, The Dragonfly Review, there’s something for everyone. There are also many campus clubs for students to join such as; Delta Gamma Fraternity, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, the National Society of Leadership and Success, and the Daytona Beach Music Scene.

Not only is Daytona State College an educational institution, but it is also an integral part of the Daytona Beach community. Throughout the year, the college hosts several community events honoring veterans, local artists, and historic figures from the area. Each May, the college also hosts "The Gathering," a celebration for alumni and current students alike that honors our country’s brave military men and women.

The mission of Daytona State College is to provide quality educational opportunities in an environment that encourages a spirit of personal growth and development. The college encourages its students to strive for excellence while engaging in their studies and gives them access to resources such as advising services and career counseling that help them reach their maximum potential.

The faculty and staff at Daytona State College are welcoming and dedicated to helping all students achieve their educational goals. Whether you are looking to further your education or just start out on your path towards a career in your chosen field, you can count on Daytona State College as your trusted partner in success! Take control of your future today and visit Daytona State College!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Daytona State College
1200 W International Speedway Blvd
Daytona Beach
FL 32114

What is ElevIntra?

Portal for students with information about education and a lot of other tools.

What is LærerIntra?

Basismodule for employees of the school.

About Daytona State College

Read a bit more about Daytona State College.