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About Evangelical Theological Seminary

Evangelical Theological Seminary is located in the small town of Myerstown, Pennsylvania and has been a premier institution of higher learning since its founding in 1973. The seminary proudly offers a range of degree programs in a variety of disciplines, ranging from theology and Christian ministry to business and education.

At Evangelical Theological Seminary, students are carefully guided in their journey toward academic excellence through a rigorous curriculum and the generous support of both faculty and staff. For instance, the seminary’s Master of Divinity degree includes an intensive effort to shape ministers to recognize the importance of spiritual formation, as well as leadership development. And for those working professionals who are interested in obtaining an additional degree or certification, the seminary provides an accelerated program tailored to their needs.

The faculty is committed to fostering a supportive environment that emphasizes critical thinking, intellectual growth, and academic achievement. The faculty are experienced in teaching courses that range from introductory classes in religion and philosophy to advanced seminar courses on biblical interpretation and theological study. The professors at Evangelical Theological Seminary are renowned for instilling faith-based principles in their instruction and for providing real-world applications to coursework.

The school's library offers numerous resources for students to access on campus along with online options, such as databases and literature collections. The library also houses a growing collection of audiovisual materials, multimedia resources, and growing book catalogues.

The seminary's mission is to “encourage students to explore their spiritual relationship with God while equipping them to serve effectively in a variety of Christian contexts”. This goal is pursued through offering theological education that is relevant, academically rigorous, service-oriented, and professionally grounded in scripture.

Evangelical Theological Seminary has a variety of student organizations available for all students to join, such as Bible study groups, community service projects, student advisory boards, and spiritual formation opportunities. Furthermore, the seminary community has access to numerous activities outside the classroom through competitive sports teams, intramural leagues, social events and more.

Students graduating from this esteemed institution will be able to make a positive difference in the lives of others by using the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their studies at Evangelical Theological Seminary. So if you’re looking for a seminary that enables its students to develop character and competence through Christ-centered instruction and learning activities—come discover what Evangelical Theological Seminary has to offer! Take your first step in exploring the theology program of your dreams today by applying at Evangelical Theological Seminary!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Evangelical Theological Seminary
121 S College St
PA 17067

What is ElevIntra?

Portal for students with information about education and a lot of other tools.

What is LærerIntra?

Basismodule for employees of the school.

About Evangelical Theological Seminary

Read a bit more about Evangelical Theological Seminary.