At Hawaii Pacific University we're using ElevIntra for all our students

ElevIntra er et lukket netværk for skolens elever. Eleverne har adgang til elevintranettet via skolens lokalnet og via internettet.

Elevernes intranet rummer tre hovedområder:
  • En informationsdel, der giver skolens elever adgang til mange informationer om skolen. Mange af de oplysninger, som lærerne vedligeholder i LærerIntra, bliver automatisk offentliggjort i tillempet form på elevintranettet. Det gælder fx oplysninger om dagens aktiviteter, skemaændringer, ugebreve, linksamlinger, kontaktoplysninger mm.
  • ElevIntra rummer endvidere et virtuelt læringsrum, der består af en række ’værksteder’. Der er bl.a. web-aviser, webside, anmelderbaser, spørgeskema, multiple-choise test og digitale udstillingsrum.
  • Derudover tilbyder ElevIntra moduler til kommunikation, evaluering og arkivering.


If you need a guide on how to get started with ElevIntra then we'll recommend document below.
Download guide for ElevIntra

About Hawaii Pacific University

Welcome to Hawaii Pacific University, where dreams take flight! Instructing and inspiring students since 1965, this incredible university is located on the beautiful 1 Aloha Tower Dr in downtown Honolulu, HI 96813, the United States of America.

As one of Hawaii’s top universities and top among colleges in the US, HPU gives you all the tools and opportunities you need to turn your dreams into reality. Whether you’re interested in studying business, communicative sciences, visual and performing arts, computer science or humanities, there’s a major that fits you and your ambitions.

At HPU, you’ll be encouraged to complete internships or research projects alongside true professionals. You can become a part of local service initiatives or exchange programs while meeting new friends from the different parts of the world. You can also avail the university’s generous scholarships to lighten the load of tuition fees.

The innovative and rich curricula are passionate about offering an engaging learning experience which will expand your worldview and elevate your academic career. You also get to explore Hawaii by taking advantage of exciting learning opportunities outside of campus. This chance could open your eyes to an entirely new world of opportunities and deeper exploration into your chosen field.

Hawaii Pacific University is unquestionably a place of possibilities— a place where hard work, dedication and enthusiasm could unlock all kinds of magical opportunities! If your goal is to enter a world full of learning opportunities, come and explore HPU. Visit their website today and find out more about what HPU is all about! Be a part of something much bigger than yourself and discover your potential within the magical walls of HPU!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Hawaii Pacific University
1 Aloha Tower Dr
HI 96813

What is ForældreIntra?

Information- and communicationsystem for parents.

What is LærerIntra?

Basismodule for employees of the school.

About Hawaii Pacific University

Read a bit more about Hawaii Pacific University.