ForældreIntra is a closed system for parents to students in our school

ForældreIntra er en udvidelse af Skoleporten, men i modsætning til de øvrige dele af Skoleporten er ForældreIntra et beskyttet område, hvor kun forældre til elever på skolen har adgang. For at komme ind i ForældreIntra skal brugeren indtaste brugernavn og adgangskode. Ud fra disse oplysninger får brugeren adgang til de relevante områder. Forældre har kun adgang til klassesider, der vedrører de klasser, hvori deres egne børn går. Adgang til ForældreIntra sker via et menupunkt i Skoleportens hovedmenu.

ForældreIntra er et redskab, skolen kan benytte i forbindelse med skolehjemsamarbejdet. Forældre og lærere med adgang til en klasses sider i ForældreIntra kan både hente information om klassen, læse meddelelser til klassen og deltage aktivt med billeder, opslag, beskeder, debatindlæg ol.

Ved første indlogning i ForældreIntra skal forælderen anvende deres brugernavn samt en automatisk genereret førstegangskode. Når førstegangskoden er godkendt ved første indlogning, bliver forældreren sendt videre til en side, hvor han eller hun skal vælge sig en personlig adgangskode, som skal anvendes ved fremtidige besøg i ForældreIntra. Personlige adgangskoder skal bestå af mindst 6 tegn.


You are welcome to download the ForældreIntra guide below if you need a quick introduction on how to get started.

About Marion S Whelan School of Nursing of Geneva General Hospital

Welcome to the magical world of the Marion S Whelan School of Nursing at Geneva General Hospital! Here, we strive to bring to life the vision of Nurse Whelan and provide our students with an education that is truly unique.

The School of Nursing is located in the heart of Geneva, New York, a charming small town that offers the perfect balance of tranquility and adventure. Here, students are exposed to a college town atmosphere, complete with a bustling downtown area, plenty of restaurants, and beautiful lakefront views.

At Marion S Whelan School of Nursing, our students receive an education that is beyond compare. Our professors are dedicated to providing a solid foundation in the science and art of nursing. From classroom instruction to clinical rotations, students receive first-class training that enables them to become qualified professionals.

Our faculty members are highly experienced and passionate about their work. They are always available to assist students in any way they can, providing valuable advice and guidance on the path to becoming a successful nurse.

We also offer a variety of resources to support our students' learning experience. These include a library full of books and journals that cover various topics related to nursing, computer labs with access to the internet, and access to specialized clinical equipment.

At Marion S Whelan School of Nursing, we believe in creating an environment that allows our students to grow and develop. We strive to foster an atmosphere of camaraderie and collaboration that encourages creative thinking and fosters a sense of community among our students.

We invite you to join us on this enchanting journey! Start your magical adventure today by enrolling at Marion S Whelan School of Nursing. Take your first steps towards becoming a qualified professional nurse and make your dream come true!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Marion S Whelan School of Nursing of Geneva General Hospital
196 North St
NY 14456

What is ElevIntra?

Portal for students with information about education and a lot of other tools.

What is LærerIntra?

Basismodule for employees of the school.

About Marion S Whelan School of Nursing of Geneva General Hospital

Read a bit more about Marion S Whelan School of Nursing of Geneva General Hospital.