ForældreIntra is a closed system for parents to students in our school

ForældreIntra er en udvidelse af Skoleporten, men i modsætning til de øvrige dele af Skoleporten er ForældreIntra et beskyttet område, hvor kun forældre til elever på skolen har adgang. For at komme ind i ForældreIntra skal brugeren indtaste brugernavn og adgangskode. Ud fra disse oplysninger får brugeren adgang til de relevante områder. Forældre har kun adgang til klassesider, der vedrører de klasser, hvori deres egne børn går. Adgang til ForældreIntra sker via et menupunkt i Skoleportens hovedmenu.

ForældreIntra er et redskab, skolen kan benytte i forbindelse med skolehjemsamarbejdet. Forældre og lærere med adgang til en klasses sider i ForældreIntra kan både hente information om klassen, læse meddelelser til klassen og deltage aktivt med billeder, opslag, beskeder, debatindlæg ol.

Ved første indlogning i ForældreIntra skal forælderen anvende deres brugernavn samt en automatisk genereret førstegangskode. Når førstegangskoden er godkendt ved første indlogning, bliver forældreren sendt videre til en side, hvor han eller hun skal vælge sig en personlig adgangskode, som skal anvendes ved fremtidige besøg i ForældreIntra. Personlige adgangskoder skal bestå af mindst 6 tegn.


You are welcome to download the ForældreIntra guide below if you need a quick introduction on how to get started.

About Messiah College

Welcome to Messiah College, dear readers! This esteemed college is bursting with rich history, vibrant traditions and innovative curriculums, all of which are embraced by the warm and supportive community of students.

Founded in 1909 by a group of faithful Anabaptists from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania as a private Christian school, Messiah College has faithfully served the region for over 110 years. Located in the valley of beautiful vistas just off the square in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, the sprawling landscape offers multiple avenues for exploration, discovery, and learning. With more than 130 majors, minors, graduate programs and certifications offered at both the undergraduate and graduate levels—ranging from the liberal arts to pre-professional programs—Messiah College is dedicated to preparing students for meaningful work and service in a wide range of disciplines.

Student life at Messiah College is vibrant and fulfilling. Students are part of a diverse community that consists of students from around the world representing 69 different countries and 46 different states; this commitment to diversity adds to the global perspective that students experience. On campus there is something for everyone—from academic achievement to team spirit to student facilities like The View Café and Falcon Fields-- students can explore their creativity and reap the rewards of their hard work!

In addition to its extensive academic offerings and vibrant campus life, Messiah College is proud of its commitment to service and global engagement. Through the Center for Global Engagement (CGE), students are given the opportunity to serve locally and abroad with mission trips, internships, research collaborations and more. Our commitment to service also shows in our dedication to sustainability; Messiah has been recently recognized as one of 100 schools featured in Princeton Review's Guide to Green Colleges 2020, also receiving official certification from STARS as part of its sustainability initiatives.

As an institution committed to educating each student to “Think critically, Act justly, Love mercifully”—Messiah College is a premier college worthy of exploration. Visit Messiah College today to discover what makes it such an inspiring place of learning!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Messiah College
One College Ave.
PA 17055

What is ElevIntra?

Portal for students with information about education and a lot of other tools.

What is LærerIntra?

Basismodule for employees of the school.

About Messiah College

Read a bit more about Messiah College.