At New York Academy of Art we're using ElevIntra for all our students

ElevIntra er et lukket netværk for skolens elever. Eleverne har adgang til elevintranettet via skolens lokalnet og via internettet.

Elevernes intranet rummer tre hovedområder:
  • En informationsdel, der giver skolens elever adgang til mange informationer om skolen. Mange af de oplysninger, som lærerne vedligeholder i LærerIntra, bliver automatisk offentliggjort i tillempet form på elevintranettet. Det gælder fx oplysninger om dagens aktiviteter, skemaændringer, ugebreve, linksamlinger, kontaktoplysninger mm.
  • ElevIntra rummer endvidere et virtuelt læringsrum, der består af en række ’værksteder’. Der er bl.a. web-aviser, webside, anmelderbaser, spørgeskema, multiple-choise test og digitale udstillingsrum.
  • Derudover tilbyder ElevIntra moduler til kommunikation, evaluering og arkivering.


If you need a guide on how to get started with ElevIntra then we'll recommend document below.
Download guide for ElevIntra

About New York Academy of Art

When you think of the New York Academy of Art, the words “magical” and “enchanting” come to mind. Located at 111 Franklin Street in Manhattan, the Academy is an internationally renowned school of fine arts, which is dedicated to teaching students the art of painting and sculpture.

Founded in 1982, the school brings together an impressive array of instructors and alumni, many of whom are leading artists in the world. The faculty includes some of the finest painters and sculptors working today, including world-renowned sculptor Mark di Suvero and painter David Hockney.

The Academy is also home to a thriving community of artists and art enthusiasts, all eager to study and learn from each other. The campus is filled with inspiring works from a variety of different eras and styles, including modern, traditional and contemporary. There are also a number of galleries on-site that showcase the work of current and former students, as well as exhibitions featuring works from around the world.

The Academy offers workshops, lectures, seminars and special events throughout the year that provide students with an opportunity to further their education. In addition to core classes on painting and sculpture, the school also offers art history classes and studio classes in ceramics, photography and digital media.

The New York Academy of Art is committed to providing its students with a comprehensive education that prepares them for a successful career in the arts. With a diverse faculty and an inspiring campus environment, it is no surprise that the school has earned such acclaim. If you are looking for an outstanding education in fine arts, then look no further than the New York Academy of Art. Visit their website today to learn more about this magical institution!

Discover the power of creativity at the New York Academy of Art! Visit their website today to learn more about this enchanting school.

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
New York Academy of Art
111 Franklin St
New York
NY 10013

What is ForældreIntra?

Information- and communicationsystem for parents.

What is LærerIntra?

Basismodule for employees of the school.

About New York Academy of Art

Read a bit more about New York Academy of Art.