LærerIntra is a web-based program for handling daily routines for teaching

LærerIntra er et lukket forum, hvor skolens personale og medarbejdere har adgang til vigtige oplysninger og værktøjer. I LærerIntra ligger informationerne kun ét sted – og det er nemt at styre, hvem der har adgang til hvad. Med andre ord fungerer LærerIntra som en slags intranet eller medarbejderportal.

LærerIntra er et forum for samarbejde og udvikling for skolens personale. Desuden er det en hjælp i planlægning og koordinering af undervisningen og de øvrige aktiviteter på skolen.

LærerIntra er netbaseret og derfor altid tilgængelig. LærerIntra hjælper med, at få alle aftaler om arrangementer, reservationer af lokaler og udstyr, vikarplaner, oplysninger om gældende praksis, materialeoversigter, kursustilmeldinger og meget mere samlet ét sted.

What is ElevIntra?

Portal for students with information about education and a lot of other tools.

What is ForældreIntra?

Information- and communicationsystem for parents.

About PCI Academy-Ames

The magical adventure of the students at PCI Academy-Ames is unlike any other!

This renowned school, located at 309 Kitty Hawk Dr, Ames, IA 50010, USA, is one of the most prominently successful institutions to date. With a student-teacher ratio of 12:1 and a whopping 98% graduation rate, this is a school that never fails to amaze.

It started out as nothing more than a small and insignificant instiution, but it began to thrive under the inspired guidance of Principal Chip Fenton. Chip Fenton was extraordinary and he had big dreams for the school's future. He believed in providing students with the best education and in making sure their experience remains vibrant and engaging. He set out to make PCI Academy-Ames the top academic institution in the country.

Through his sheer hard work and relentless dedication, he achieved his goal! And how! The school became an oasis of fun and learning with an atmosphere where everyone was passionate about learning. Lectures were interesting, teachers were lively and imaginative, and students felt like they were part of something bigger than just themselves.

As one can imagine, students at PCI Academy-Ames prospered to no end! The curriculum was comprehensive and the teachers motivated them to do their best. Students enjoyed science labs, woodshop classes, foreign language classes, and a range of projects which required teamwork and creativity. The goal is for all scholars to be well-equipped for adult life with skills befitting any successful working person.

What's more is that every student at PCI Academy-Ames is encouraged to make the most of their education by participating in extracurricular activities. From sports like tennis, baseball and basketball to community volunteer activities such as feeding the homeless or community clean-up programs, there's something for everyone!

Ultimately, PCI Academy-Ames is a school that never stops dreaming big dreams for its students. It provides an unforgettable educational journey for each scholar to develop into a valuable member of society who is ready to take on any challenge head on. The ultimate mission is for all students to succeed in life as they continue to soar higher and higher!

So if you're looking for an amazing school experience - both academically and socially - then make sure you check out PCI Academy-Ames. Visit its website today to get started on your magical journey!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
PCI Academy-Ames
309 Kitty Hawk Dr
IA 50010