LærerIntra is a web-based program for handling daily routines for teaching

LærerIntra er et lukket forum, hvor skolens personale og medarbejdere har adgang til vigtige oplysninger og værktøjer. I LærerIntra ligger informationerne kun ét sted – og det er nemt at styre, hvem der har adgang til hvad. Med andre ord fungerer LærerIntra som en slags intranet eller medarbejderportal.

LærerIntra er et forum for samarbejde og udvikling for skolens personale. Desuden er det en hjælp i planlægning og koordinering af undervisningen og de øvrige aktiviteter på skolen.

LærerIntra er netbaseret og derfor altid tilgængelig. LærerIntra hjælper med, at få alle aftaler om arrangementer, reservationer af lokaler og udstyr, vikarplaner, oplysninger om gældende praksis, materialeoversigter, kursustilmeldinger og meget mere samlet ét sted.

What is ElevIntra?

Portal for students with information about education and a lot of other tools.

What is ForældreIntra?

Information- and communicationsystem for parents.

About Southeastern Esthetics Institute

The bustling streets of Columbia, SC, are home to the renowned Southeastern Esthetics Institute. Nestled on the corner of Gervais Street and Study, the school has been providing top-notch esthetician training for over 20 years.

Its mission is to empower students by providing them with the tools and knowledge to excel in their chosen field. From comprehensive coursework to hands-on experience, this institute is committed to transforming students into confident and skilled professionals.

As a student here, you can expect to learn from experienced instructors who are passionate about their craft. You will gain an understanding of skin physiology and its various treatments, as well as develop techniques that are essential in the esthetics industry. From waxing, massage, and facial treatments to makeup applications, you will have the opportunity to become an expert in all areas of esthetics.

In addition to classroom instruction, Southeastern Esthetics Institute offers numerous resources that are essential for success. For instance, students receive ongoing support from instructors who make themselves available outside of class. The institute also provides students with access to advanced technology, such as lasers and micro-needling machines. This allows students to gain insight into the latest advancements in esthetic treatments.

At Southeastern Esthetics Institute, your future is right at your fingertips. Invest in your career and sign up for one of their courses today! Take your education to the next level and become an esthetician that stands out from the rest!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Southeastern Esthetics Institute
823 Gervais St Study
SC 29201