ForældreIntra is a closed system for parents to students in our school

ForældreIntra er en udvidelse af Skoleporten, men i modsætning til de øvrige dele af Skoleporten er ForældreIntra et beskyttet område, hvor kun forældre til elever på skolen har adgang. For at komme ind i ForældreIntra skal brugeren indtaste brugernavn og adgangskode. Ud fra disse oplysninger får brugeren adgang til de relevante områder. Forældre har kun adgang til klassesider, der vedrører de klasser, hvori deres egne børn går. Adgang til ForældreIntra sker via et menupunkt i Skoleportens hovedmenu.

ForældreIntra er et redskab, skolen kan benytte i forbindelse med skolehjemsamarbejdet. Forældre og lærere med adgang til en klasses sider i ForældreIntra kan både hente information om klassen, læse meddelelser til klassen og deltage aktivt med billeder, opslag, beskeder, debatindlæg ol.

Ved første indlogning i ForældreIntra skal forælderen anvende deres brugernavn samt en automatisk genereret førstegangskode. Når førstegangskoden er godkendt ved første indlogning, bliver forældreren sendt videre til en side, hvor han eller hun skal vælge sig en personlig adgangskode, som skal anvendes ved fremtidige besøg i ForældreIntra. Personlige adgangskoder skal bestå af mindst 6 tegn.


You are welcome to download the ForældreIntra guide below if you need a quick introduction on how to get started.

About Texas Christian University

Greetings, one and all! I'm here to sing the praises of Texas Christian University, a premier institution of higher learning located in Fort Worth, Texas.

From its humble beginnings in 1873 to today, TCU has been a leader in providing a well-rounded education to students from across the country. With its strong academic programs, world-class faculty, and welcoming environment, TCU is truly a place where dreams can become reality.

At TCU, students can choose from over 150 undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The university offers a wide range of majors and minors, including business, engineering, science and social sciences. For those looking to pursue a career in the medical field, TCU offers pre-med and pre-professional courses as well as a comprehensive medical school program.

TCU also provides its students with numerous opportunities to get involved in campus life. With more than 300 student organizations, there is something for everyone at TCU. From intramural sports to student government and volunteer groups, there are many ways to get involved and make friends.

The university also has some of the best student housing options in the region. From traditional residence halls to living-learning communities, TCU has something for everyone. And for those who prefer off-campus living, TCU offers several convenient apartment complexes with easy access to campus.

The university also boasts an impressive list of alumni that includes prominent business leaders, politicians, scientists, athletes, and artists. These individuals have gone on to make lasting contributions to the world around them.

Finally, TCU is home to some of the best athletic teams in the nation. From football and basketball to swimming and track & field, TCU athletes have won numerous championships over the years.

At TCU, students can find an education that is both academically rigorous and personally enriching. So if you're looking for a university that will help you realize your potential and reach your goals, look no further than Texas Christian University! Visit us today and see what we can offer you!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Texas Christian University
2800 S University Dr
Fort Worth
TX 76129

What is ElevIntra?

Portal for students with information about education and a lot of other tools.

What is LærerIntra?

Basismodule for employees of the school.

About Texas Christian University

Read a bit more about Texas Christian University.