At William Penn University we're using ElevIntra for all our students

ElevIntra er et lukket netværk for skolens elever. Eleverne har adgang til elevintranettet via skolens lokalnet og via internettet.

Elevernes intranet rummer tre hovedområder:
  • En informationsdel, der giver skolens elever adgang til mange informationer om skolen. Mange af de oplysninger, som lærerne vedligeholder i LærerIntra, bliver automatisk offentliggjort i tillempet form på elevintranettet. Det gælder fx oplysninger om dagens aktiviteter, skemaændringer, ugebreve, linksamlinger, kontaktoplysninger mm.
  • ElevIntra rummer endvidere et virtuelt læringsrum, der består af en række ’værksteder’. Der er bl.a. web-aviser, webside, anmelderbaser, spørgeskema, multiple-choise test og digitale udstillingsrum.
  • Derudover tilbyder ElevIntra moduler til kommunikation, evaluering og arkivering.


If you need a guide on how to get started with ElevIntra then we'll recommend document below.
Download guide for ElevIntra

About William Penn University

Once upon a time, there was a magical place called William Penn University. Located in the small Iowa town of Oskaloosa, this university was home to a vibrant and diverse student population, each eager to learn and explore the world around them.

The university had a rich history, dating back to its founding in 1873 by Quaker settlers William and Hannah Penn. It was the first college in Iowa to open its doors to both men and women, and today it stands as one of the oldest and most respected institutions in the state.

Students at William Penn University had access to a plethora of educational opportunities. With more than fifty majors, minors, and specializations, students could find their perfect fit with one of the university’s many programs. Whether you wanted to become a doctor, lawyer, teacher, engineer, or even a psychologist, William Penn had something for everyone.

In addition to its academic offerings, the university also offered an array of extracurricular activities. Whether it was sports teams, student organizations, or volunteer opportunities, William Penn had something for everyone. There were also numerous cultural events throughout the year, so no matter when you were on campus, there was always something to do.

But perhaps the best part of William Penn University was its people. The faculty and staff were passionate and dedicated to their work, while the students were enthusiastic and willing to learn. Although there were many different backgrounds and cultures represented at the university, everyone came together in a spirit of camaraderie and respect.

William Penn University was truly a magical place – one that provided students with the tools they needed to achieve success in their academic and professional pursuits. So if you’re looking for an amazing educational experience with plenty of opportunities for growth and development, then look no further than William Penn University! Apply today and join this incredible community of scholars!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
William Penn University
201 W Trueblood Ave
IA 52577

What is ForældreIntra?

Information- and communicationsystem for parents.

What is LærerIntra?

Basismodule for employees of the school.

About William Penn University

Read a bit more about William Penn University.