SkoleIntra is a school platform.

  • PersonaleIntra – et lukket intranet for skolens medarbejdere, hvor de finder vigtige oplysninger, resourcer og værktøjer.
  • ElevIntra – elevernes portal til information om undervisningen samt en række pædagogiske elementer.
  • ForældreIntra – informations- og kommunikationssystem mellem skole og hjem.
  • Skoleporten – skolens officielle hjemmeside og ansigt ud mod offentligheden.
  • InfoKiosk – bruges til at vise information som f.eks. dagens aktiviteter, nyheder og skemaændringer på skolens informationsskærme.
  • SMS-modul – giver mulighed for at sende SMS'er til forældre, lærere og elever.

About Sæbygaardskolen

Read a bit more about Sæbygaardskolen.

What is ElevIntra?

Portal for students with information about education and a lot of other tools.

What is ForældreIntra?

Information- and communicationsystem for parents.

What is LærerIntra?

Basismodule for employees of the school.

About Sæbygaardskolen

Verse from aye olden Sæbyring, of days of yore when Sæbygaardskolen was young and stirring; An age of vigor and wild dreams, Where spark of knowledge ignited youthful gleams. Lively laughter and eager learners, Gazing with curious eyes on the teachers.

Ah, the grandeur of the stone castle walls, The classical porticos and hallowed halls, The geometry of the long steep windows, Forming a fortress against the winter snow. Inside lay the stacks floor to ceiling: Almanacs and quartos with scholars appealing.

Outside in the courtyard a bustle of play, The roars of laughter and shouts as they sway. The trees twirl in a playful breeze, And summer swallows line their nests in peace. Ah, what pleasure is found among those four walls! The enchantment of knowledge for all one recalls.

Time passed, but Sæbygaardskolen remains – A potent symbol of learning in this region. Its storied facade stands firm in defiance, Protecting its hallowed halls against mere distance. The spirit of youth carries on to this day, And learning abounds in which they can play. In sprawling classrooms and stately laboratories, One finds knowledge that will never pass away.

In its many years its commitment has not waned: To provide its students with understanding gained. It has stood for progress for centuries on end, Encouraging exploration in each and every friend. Sæbygaardskolen is a beacon for folk far and wide; Come to explore its wealth of knowledge! Let your spirits bide!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Sæbygaardvej 34
9300 Sæby