LærerIntra is a web-based program for handling daily routines for teaching

LærerIntra er et lukket forum, hvor skolens personale og medarbejdere har adgang til vigtige oplysninger og værktøjer. I LærerIntra ligger informationerne kun ét sted – og det er nemt at styre, hvem der har adgang til hvad. Med andre ord fungerer LærerIntra som en slags intranet eller medarbejderportal.

LærerIntra er et forum for samarbejde og udvikling for skolens personale. Desuden er det en hjælp i planlægning og koordinering af undervisningen og de øvrige aktiviteter på skolen.

LærerIntra er netbaseret og derfor altid tilgængelig. LærerIntra hjælper med, at få alle aftaler om arrangementer, reservationer af lokaler og udstyr, vikarplaner, oplysninger om gældende praksis, materialeoversigter, kursustilmeldinger og meget mere samlet ét sted.

What is ElevIntra?

Portal for students with information about education and a lot of other tools.

What is ForældreIntra?

Information- and communicationsystem for parents.

About South University-Novi

O, say ye to South University-Novi, found in Warrensville Heights, OH, USA! It is a place of promise and opportunity, a place of knowledge and of growth. A place of dreams that become reality, and of aspirations that are fulfilled.

Aye, South University-Novi is a remarkable institution, with much greatness of its own. 'Tis a place of knowledge, offering courses in business, health care, nursing, and technology. And of course, 'tis a place to pursue higher education; one can obtain an undergraduate degree or a masters degree.

Furthermore, 'tis a place of opportunity. The school offers internships and field experience; they allow students to gain experience in their chosen field. There be also organizations that provide assistance in finding jobs after graduation. These organizations provide support for those seeking to further their career.

Ah, but 'tis not only education and opportunity that South University-Novi provides. There be many resources for students; the library has books and materials for research, and the computer lab has the latest technology for students to utilize.

Moreover, South University-Novi is a place of community. There are clubs and organizations that allow students to meet others with similar interests. There be sports teams that offer a chance to compete and have fun. And there be many events throughout the year - parties, concerts, plays - all of which allow students to socialize with one another.

Verily, South University-Novi is indeed a remarkable school. 'Tis a place of knowledge and opportunity; a place of dreams and aspirations; and a place of community and resources. Go forth now and do not hesitate - explore what South University-Novi has to offer today!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
South University-Novi
4743 Richmond Rd
Warrensville Heights
OH 44128