Aula is a closed area for parents of students at the school

Aula is an extension of the School Gate, but unlike the other parts of the School Gate, Aula is a protected area where only parents of students at the school have access. To enter the Aula, the user must enter the username and password. Based on this information, the user is given access to the relevant areas. Parents only have access to class pages that relate to the classes in which their own children attend. Aula is accessed via a menu item in the School Gate's main menu.

Aula is a tool that the school can use in connection with school homework. Parents and teachers with access to a class's pages in Aula can both retrieve information about the class, read messages to the class and participate actively with pictures, messages, messages, discussion posts, etc.

When first logging into Aula, the parent must use their username as well as an automatically generated first passcode. Once the first passcode is approved upon first login, the parent is redirected to a page where he or she must choose a personal password to use for future visits to Aula. Personal passwords must be at least 6 characters long.


You can download the guide below for Aula if you need a quick introduction to how to get started.
Get guide

About Billums Privatskole

Skolens formålsparagraf Skolens primære opgave er at formidle solide og relevante kundskaber til eleverne; dels gennem traditionel undervisning og dels gennem selvvirksomhed og oplevelser. Der lægges vægt på, at eleverne gennem skolens virke stifter bekendtskab med og naturligt erhverver respekt for traditioner, livsanskuelser og kulturværdier der ligger til grund for vort samfund og dets udvikling. Gennem skolens undervisning og dagligdag, der bygger på åndsfrihed og demokrati, tilstræbes det, at eleverne udvikler en individuel, social samt kritisk holdning, som resulterer i en personlig og samfundsmæssig ansvarsfølelse. I en atmosfære af tryghed, gensidiog respekt og tolerance vil skolen søge at skabe et stimulerende miljø, som sammen med hjemmet skaber basis for den enkelte elevs alsidige udvikling. Se også "Brugerinformation" under "Om skolen" i menulinien.

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Billums Privatskole
Buddingevej 6
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

What is ForældreIntra?

Information- and communicationsystem for parents.

What is ElevIntra?

Portal for students with information about education and a lot of other tools.

What is LærerIntra?

Basismodule for employees of the school.