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You are welcome to download the ForældreIntra guide below if you need a quick introduction on how to get started.

About Center for Neurosomatic Studies

The Center for Neurosomatic Studies is an educational institution based in Clearwater, Florida, offering graduate and post-graduate programs in a variety of fields related to the study of the application of somatics to medical and mental healthcare. Founded in 1991, the Center for Neurosomatic Studies has become a leading provider of training and education in the integration of mind-body medicine, neuromuscular therapy, relaxation techniques, and postural alignment for physical and psychological health.

The Center’s staff includes experienced experts from a broad range of disciplines, including massage therapy, physiotherapy, psychology, psychotherapy, and psychiatry. In addition to its faculty and teaching staff, the Center also employs highly knowledgeable administrators and support personnel who are dedicated to providing students with a quality learning experience.

The primary goal of the Center’s programs is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the principles and theories behind neuromuscular therapies, bodywork therapies, and postural alignment. Through its courses, students develop advanced skills in assessing and treating patients. Additionally, they gain valuable insight into how these therapies can be applied to various medical, psychological, and/or rehabilitative situations in order to bring about physical and mental healing.

The Center for Neurosomatic Studies offers several graduate degree programs in areas such as Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT), Postural Alignment Therapy (PAT), Relaxation Techniques (RT), Somatic Psychology (SP), Psychosomatic Rehabilitation (PR), and Stress Management (SM). It also offers specialized continuing education courses for massage therapists and healthcare practitioners. These courses cover an array of topics relevant to contemporary bodywork therapies such as advanced anatomy and physiology; postural awareness; functional anatomy; musculoskeletal assessment; physical assessment; and relaxation techniques.

The Center has established itself as a leader in its field due to its commitment to providing the highest quality education with an emphasis on safety and ethical practices. With a modern facility located at 13923 Icot Blvd Suite 814 Clearwater, Florida 33760 USA, the Center maintains its reputation for excellence through its dedication to providing cutting-edge programs with excellent care by highly qualified staff members.

At the Center for Neurosomatic Studies we believe that our graduates are uniquely equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, experience and ethical understanding to meet the demands of today’s medical and mental health industry with confidence. For those looking to pursue a career in mind-body medicine or neuromuscular therapy, we recommend that you explore the options available at the Center for Neurosomatic Studies. Take your first step towards a successful career today!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Center for Neurosomatic Studies
13923 Icot Blvd Suite 814
FL 33760

What is ElevIntra?

Portal for students with information about education and a lot of other tools.

What is LærerIntra?

Basismodule for employees of the school.

About Center for Neurosomatic Studies

Read a bit more about Center for Neurosomatic Studies.