Welcome to the Los Angeles Community College District Office (LACCDO) on 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90017 USA. As an alumnus of this marvelous institution, I can confidently say that it’s a school of high academic excellence.
At the LACCDO, we believe in the power of education and its potential to change lives dramatically. We understand that knowledge is the foundation upon which strong communities are built. That passion for knowledge and learning is what drives us each day.
At the heart of our mission is the belief that everyone should have access to quality opportunities to learn and grow. At LACCDO, we strive to make those dreams a reality for our students. We provide the most rigorous educational opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds. From a variety of degree programs to an incredibly dedicated faculty and staff, LACCDO has set the bar for educational excellence in the Los Angeles area.
Our students come from all walks of life – from first-generation immigrants to homegrown Americans – but they all have one thing in common: their desire to make a difference in the world and their commitment to learning. Our unique approach to education allows us to equip our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle any challenge they might face in life.
We are proud of the diversity that exists on our campus, which allows us to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding. It is also a remarkable opportunity for our students to gain perspective on how different people think and learn differently.
At LACCDO, our dedicated faculty and staff are always striving to make sure that our students get the best possible education. We offer a wide range of activities and initiatives geared towards supporting our student’s education, such as tutoring, mentoring, career development workshops, internships, and more.
We are confident that LACCDO is a place where everyone can access quality learning opportunities. With our dedication to providing rigorous education programs, supportive faculty and staff members, and a caring student body – we are sure you will have a rewarding experience here at LACCDO. So don't wait any longer – take advantage of all that LACCDO has to offer today!