LærerIntra is a web-based program for handling daily routines for teaching

LærerIntra er et lukket forum, hvor skolens personale og medarbejdere har adgang til vigtige oplysninger og værktøjer. I LærerIntra ligger informationerne kun ét sted – og det er nemt at styre, hvem der har adgang til hvad. Med andre ord fungerer LærerIntra som en slags intranet eller medarbejderportal.

LærerIntra er et forum for samarbejde og udvikling for skolens personale. Desuden er det en hjælp i planlægning og koordinering af undervisningen og de øvrige aktiviteter på skolen.

LærerIntra er netbaseret og derfor altid tilgængelig. LærerIntra hjælper med, at få alle aftaler om arrangementer, reservationer af lokaler og udstyr, vikarplaner, oplysninger om gældende praksis, materialeoversigter, kursustilmeldinger og meget mere samlet ét sted.

What is ElevIntra?

Portal for students with information about education and a lot of other tools.

What is ForældreIntra?

Information- and communicationsystem for parents.

About Sct. Mariæ Skole

Profile Educational principles It is the school's purpose clause, which more generally sets out the content framework for the school's work: It's about learning something and about developing as a human being, and for Sct. Mariæ School is important to offer a high level of education and at the same time form the students as human and fellow human beings. The school must thus balance the socially differentiated with the socially integrating, the common with the unique, socially responsible with the individualizing. The school must form individuals that can function in a democracy, and the students' experience of co-determination and democracy is therefore extremely important. The pupil must experience diversity, that is, there is room for people and attitudes.

Important elements in the school's pedagogy are experience, reflection, action and evaluation.

The school's teachers have extensive freedom of speech, and this pluralistic methodology should provide opportunities for maximum academic and existential development for the students. Methodology is for the professional teacher, among other things. to be able to justify his or her choice and, in particular, his discretion. It is the teacher who has the overall responsibility for teaching, but the teaching is in dialogue, and the student has both co-responsibility and co-responsibility for the lessons learned in the teaching. The teacher varies his teaching and utilizes that there are many different ways to learn. The teacher takes his responsibility seriously and strives for autonomy. The teacher engages humanely in the students.

Students are expected to contribute actively to their own learning process through commitment and co-responsibility for their own learning.

The ongoing pedagogical evaluation is important and focuses, for example, on whether the academic goals were met? How the working method worked? What have we learned about the world? What has it done to my posture? What can the knowledge obtained be used for?

With inspiration from lecturer Hans Henrik Knoop, DPU, a good and effective teaching, including be characterized by: That the teacher's initiative stimulates the student. That it is interesting, important and has a well-structured content. That there is enough time for immersion in the substance and thus the acquisition of sufficiently profound understanding that you will be able to and want to use what you have learned. That there is focus on learning - ie on what and how the students understand the substance. That there are adequate high expectations / requirements and strong support for each child. The use of varied methods that are adapted to the individual student as best as possible. That the students experience physical well-being, inspirational frameworks and basic social security. That the students are suitably challenged. That the students experience a meaningful social climate - focused on each student contributing to the community as best and continuously as possible.

A good teaching thus deals with basic teaching qualities as a good atmosphere in class, logical contexts in teaching and clear class management.

Catholic school The special Catholic is experienced in everyday life by most people as openness, courtesy and care, but also in joy and in a positive humanity. Jesper Fich, the Catholic school's theological consultant, pronounces the Catholic: "Catholic is also the recognition that man, by virtue of being created, is able to do qualitatively true things and grow and that the grace of God is effective in every human being. That is why the Catholic school is also addressing everyone - and after Catholic thinking, it is not a lesson to be learned outside, but an invitation to adopt it in its life. The pupil must be able to realize the truth of the truths about man himself, himself wanted life and could join it in freedom. "Georg Høhling, president of FAKS, says on the same topic:" We are building a value concept and looking at the children created in God's image . And because they are unique parts of the creativity, we do not help to reduce them to receiving objects. On the contrary,

History Sct. Mariæ School was established in 1899 by the Campaign, and Sct. Mariæ School is thus a Catholic school with more than 115 years of tradition and experience to build on. At the same time, we are endeavoring to be a school on time that is constantly evolving and trying to live up to expectations from, for example, employees, parents, authorities and especially from the students. We are thus in a continuous development process, but the development is based on the best of our past.

Framework The school's work is based on a Catholic-Christian view of humanity, which characterizes our thoughts and actions in everyday life. The students at our school represent a diversity of cultures and churches, and we see this human and cultural diversity and wealth as one of the school's positive characteristics. Our school environment is characterized by an everyday life, where it is an inspiration and strength that we together have so much to learn each other. The environment of Sct. Mariæ School is characterized by security, proximity and care in the community with each other. The school has approx. 370 students, of whom approx. 80 are Catholics, and the staff counts 30 people in total. The school has 14 classes from 00th to 10th grade. The school is experiencing a continuous search and there are waiting lists at all grades.

The music Music plays a central role in school. We sing morning singing every day - we have 4 songs and two Bigbands, and many of the students receive instrument education at the school - activities that both bring together students from different grade levels while contributing to a versatility in the way of learning. Around 60 music students can play in the school's big bands and that there are a corresponding number of students in the school's three choirs. Music is more about what binds together than what separates, and this is also a very basic value on Sct. Mariæ School, that we all - our differences and distinctive features - are equal and unique parts of God's creation. In our modern society there is a great need for professionalism, but perhaps there is first and foremost a need for creativity, improvisation and community, and it can be found in the music. Conductor Sir Simon Rattle says about art / music that this is not a luxury but is as vital to all of us as water and oxygen. "This applies especially to a school like ours where we would like to accommodate all aspects of the students personality.

Cooperation and values We can only create a very good school when the cooperation between the children's home and school is well-functioning. Therefore, we expect the parents to take an active part in - and in co-responsibility - that their children's schooling can be a positive experience. The parents' commitment and open and positive dialogue with the staff are essential for creating a school where the pupils gain self-esteem, self-respect and love for others. Some of the key values ​​at school are thus accountability, fellowship, elaborate hands and love. We live in a world that focuses on the individual and the egocentric, but it is imperative that we all look beyond our own little world of life and take a co-responsibility for each other and our next! We hope that our students can take charity, tolerance, solidarity and generosity throughout the world.

There is a good spirit at school, an environment that, in most of the day, is perceived as openness, courtesy, care, happiness and positive humanity. School is about life education, which, according to Grundtvig, is all that makes us understand life and wants us to live it. At Sct. Mariæ School should not only be a good "discipline" and good academic education, but the school must also promote a culture and not an I culture. The school derives its inspiration from the Christian faith and therefore recognizes the unique value of each child. The school is based on the firm conviction that in the eyes of God all men are equal. The school cares for the weak student and emphasizes the individual's responsibility for the surrounding community. We try this on Sct. Mariæ School.

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Sct. Mariæ Skole
Valdemarsgade 14
9000 Aalborg