LærerIntra is a web-based program for handling daily routines for teaching

LærerIntra er et lukket forum, hvor skolens personale og medarbejdere har adgang til vigtige oplysninger og værktøjer. I LærerIntra ligger informationerne kun ét sted – og det er nemt at styre, hvem der har adgang til hvad. Med andre ord fungerer LærerIntra som en slags intranet eller medarbejderportal.

LærerIntra er et forum for samarbejde og udvikling for skolens personale. Desuden er det en hjælp i planlægning og koordinering af undervisningen og de øvrige aktiviteter på skolen.

LærerIntra er netbaseret og derfor altid tilgængelig. LærerIntra hjælper med, at få alle aftaler om arrangementer, reservationer af lokaler og udstyr, vikarplaner, oplysninger om gældende praksis, materialeoversigter, kursustilmeldinger og meget mere samlet ét sted.

What is ElevIntra?

Portal for students with information about education and a lot of other tools.

What is ForældreIntra?

Information- and communicationsystem for parents.

About Montgomery County Community College

The world of higher education is an ever-evolving landscape and Montgomery County Community College stands as a shining example of expanding possibilities. Located in Blue Bell, PA, this school offers an array of opportunities to challenge, inspire, and enlighten its students.

Since its founding in 1964, MCCC has revolutionized the way college-level studies are conducted. With campuses located throughout the county, students are at the center of their education. No matter their background, students can easily access the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

From flexible course schedules to specialized services for those with learning disabilities, MCCC has made getting a college degree more accessible than ever before. What’s more, MCCC has been at the forefront of technology, providing cutting-edge resources for students who need help in their course work. And with such a wide variety of courses available, there’s something for everyone!

At MCCC, they strive to create a culture of inquiry and exploration where students learn so much more than just the subject matter. Through group projects and field trips, students also get to experience a wide range of activities outside of the classroom. This allows students to take ownership of their learning and foster valuable connections with their peers.

As a result, MCCC is well known for producing graduates who are prepared not only for their next step in life, but also those who are lifelong learners. This commitment to excellence has earned MCCC recognition from the likes of TIME Magazine and US News & World Report as one of the top community colleges in the country.

No matter your educational goals or dreams for the future, Montgomery County Community College is there to help you achieve them! So don’t wait - take the first step towards a brighter future today and explore all that MCCC has to offer you!

Aske Andersen a few seconds ago
Montgomery County Community College
340 Dekalb Pike
Blue Bell
PA 19422