Mastering Modern Education: A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Learning Strategies

Learning strategies, often termed as study skills, are a vital part of modern education. They are approaches applied to learning and are critical to achieving success in school and beyond. Proper comprehension and application of these strategies can also be beneficial outside the academic sphere, extending into life skills that promote efficiency and productivity in different areas of life, including family.

There is a myriad of learning strategies that have been explored over the years, but for the purpose of this article, we shall focus on five key strategies: active learning, self-explanation, elaboration, interleaving, and spaced practice.

Active Learning

Active learning is a teaching method that strives to involve students in the learning process more directly than in other methods. This technique encourages learners to engage with the material actively by reading, writing, discussing, or being engaged in solving problems. This interactive approach aids in retention and understanding of information.

Parents can encourage active learning at home by setting up engaging activities related to their children's studies. For example, if a child is learning about plants in biology, they could create a mini garden at home and observe the growth process of different plants. This hands-on experience will reinforce the information they're learning at school.


Self-explanation is a process where an individual explains concepts to themselves as they learn. By doing this, learners can identify gaps in their understanding and solidify their grasp on the topic. This technique forces learners to process information deeply, enhancing comprehension and retention.

For parents looking to implement self-explanation at home, encourage your child to teach you what they've learned at school each day. In explaining it to you, they're likely to identify any areas they're unsure about.


Elaboration involves connecting new information with existing knowledge. This strategy can make learning more meaningful and thus easier to remember. It's essential to encourage students not to merely memorize facts but understand how those facts fit into a larger context.

Parents can help their children with elaboration by asking them how new information connects with what they already know. For example, if your child is learning about ecosystems in science class and they have a pet at home, discuss how taking care of their pet relates to larger concepts about habitats and animal needs.


Interleaving is a strategy that involves mixing different topics or types of problems together during study sessions rather than focusing on one topic at a time (also known as blocked practice). Interleaving forces the brain to constantly "switch gears," leading to better problem-solving skills and improved ability to apply learned knowledge flexibly.

If your child is studying for multiple subjects or exams at once, help them create an interleaved study schedule rather than focusing only on one subject per day. This will help them apply this strategy effectively.

Spaced Practice

Spaced practice involves spreading out study sessions over time rather than cramming all studying into one long session (also known as massed practice). Research has shown that spaced practice leads to better long-term retention of information compared to massed practice.

As a parent, you can assist your child in developing a study schedule that allocates specific study times throughout the week for each subject rather than leaving all studying until the night before an exam.

In conclusion, understanding and implementing these learning strategies can greatly enhance a student's ability to retain and comprehend information. Parents can play a crucial role in helping their children develop these skills at home which will not only benefit them acadically but also equip them with valuable life skills for their future endeavors.