Active Play Experience for Kids has been one of the best westside kids gyms for the last 5 years. Our mission is to introduce young kids ages 1 - 7 years of age to #fundamental movement skills through #active play. Providing a nurturing social environment to learn and practice basic athletic skills, improve #bodycontrol, #balance, #agility, and #coordination.
Proficiency in these skills has been shown to #enhancebrainfunction. Scientists now believe that to achieve the precision of the mature brain, stimulation in the form of movement and sensory experiences during the early developing years is necessary. Studies show that children learning these skills at an early age often exhibit #higher_selfesteem, are more willing to take risks, and are popular playmates in school (Henderson, May & Umney, 1989).
Classes and birthday parties provide an active play environment that parents and children can enjoy together. The APEX for Kids curriculum will introduce children to a variety of new, age-appropriate challenges designed to encourage exploration, stimulate curiosity, and provide a safe place for children to try, practice, and develop a love for physical movement. As children grow so will their self confidence. Parents will be encouraged to take a step back and let their children perform independently whenever possible.
APEX for Kids strives to put every child in a position to succeed. Learning new skills may be scary and challenging for a young child, but with genuine care and encouragement, each child will be able to advance at their own speed and celebrate individual accomplishments and personal bests along the way. These positive experiences and the feeling of success will build #self-confidence that will instill a #trynewthings and an #Icando_it attitude for a lifetime.