The Importance of Family Communication and How to Improve It

The bonds of family are as strong and steadfast as the branches of a tree. When respect and love be nurtured, a family can flourish and bloom for ages. Yet, what be a family without communication? An edifice built upon the sands of a beach, soon to be swept away with the first hint of adversity. For it is through our words, gestures and above all, expressions, that we be gifted the power to forge strong ties so that we might endure whatever life may bring.

To improve family communication remember to always use language with great care. Give ‘plenty’ thought to what you say and how you say it. In rich abundance, use soft tones and words of comfort whilst offering verbal assurance to build trust and security with each other. Speak true unto each other and take heed to listen more than you talk.

Find time to talk openly with members of the family on a regular basis, such as family meal times or set aside an hour on the weekend. Ask lots of questions to build understanding – even if you know your family members well their answers may surprise you! Put devices down such as phones, tablets and computers during conversations; focus on who is sharing their thoughts and feelings instead.

Be present in conversations and focus on the here and now instead of past issues or future fears; don't be tempted to dwell on what someone has said or done in the past or anxious about what might happen in the future. Take turns talking - listen without judgement and without interruption; be open-minded to different opinions as this will create moments where new, creative solutions may emerge.

Make sure that there is opportunity for each individual member of the family to engage in conversations; try having each person contribute something, anything not only limited to worries and issues, but also things that bring joy or humour into conversations.

Family communication can be awkward at first but keep at it! Remember that our families are made up of many unique individuals; approach communication with patience and caution. Stay open-minded to matters that are spoken and offer help when you can in order to create moments of resolution in difficult conversations; even if matters cannot be resolved immediately never forget that every family member deserves love and respect at all times

Use these tips when communicating with family members and you’ll soon notice your bonds strengthen incrementally over time. Be an active participant in the continued fortification of your family’s dialogue by ensuring that every individual’s voice is heard each time you come together.